This character I call it Dragon king, which is created based on the Chinese traditional dragon, there are thousand years history about dragon in China, and it is a holy creature, people respect it, and they thought dragon was living in the heaven, so all the kings in old China were called the son of dragon, who come from heaven and were sent to earth to lead this country, so today there are a lot of dragon rilievo on the surface of old palace building.

Why call it Chinese traditional dragon, because there are a lot of differences between Chinese and western dragon, there are two pictures below to compare with the Chinese dragon and the western dragon in the fairy tale.
Chinese style dragon
western style dragon

Why call it Chinese traditional dragon, because there are a lot of differences between Chinese and western dragon, there are two pictures below to compare with the Chinese dragon and the western dragon in the fairy tale.

As we can see, a big difference is Chinese dragon does not have a pair of wings. And the shape of the body is quite like a snake, the head horn is different as well, specially, there a pair of long feeler beside the nose.

I think those differences come into being the different culture.
Because Chinese thought the dragon was a holy animal so it should have characteristic of all the animals, some thing like beer’s horn, snake’s body, eagle’s claw and the feeler of the fish and so on.

So those characteristic of Chinese dragon will be kept on my character, however, this character is the dragon who changed to be a human, so I will add more human characteristic, and make it more like a human, for example, change the grisly countenance to be more human .

I think those differences come into being the different culture.
Because Chinese thought the dragon was a holy animal so it should have characteristic of all the animals, some thing like beer’s horn, snake’s body, eagle’s claw and the feeler of the fish and so on.

So those characteristic of Chinese dragon will be kept on my character, however, this character is the dragon who changed to be a human, so I will add more human characteristic, and make it more like a human, for example, change the grisly countenance to be more human .
This old Chinese sculpture is a example that dragon who chages to be a human.I take it as a referance while I create my character.

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